How does it work?
CHEMnetBASE is only available to multi-user organizations on a site license basis; it is not available for individual subscription.
You can choose to buy one or all of the products. Once your organization subscribes, access by individuals is controlled by IP recognition.
Each product is a separate entity and can only be searched on its own. The Combined Chemical Dictionary (as well as its subsidiary dictionaries) is fully sub-structure searchable as is Properties of Organic Compounds. The search & display features work in a way that will be familiar to current users of the CD-ROM versions. The Handbook of Chemistry & Physics and Polymers, A Property Database are fully searchable and offer the ability to produce tables customized to the user's preferences.
What does it cost?
CHEMnetBASE is available as an annual subscription on a multi-user site license basis. Existing subscription customers of any Chapman & Hall/CRC product may upgrade to CHEMnetBASE on favorable terms, please contact us for further details (Phone: (USA) 888 318 2367 or Email: